Medical Services

Laser Treatments

Laser Treatments are available every weekday at Brodstone Family Medical Center – Superior. A special they have right now is a free consultation and half price on the first treatment. Take advantage of this offer by calling 402-879-4781. The areas treated by laser need to be out of the sun for a few days, so the winter months are a great time for laser treatments.

What can be treated with laser?

Blue facial veins, leg veins, hemangiomas (a benign tumor or birthmark consisting of a dense, often raised cluster of blood vessels in the skin), wrinkles, melasma (tan or dark skin discoloration), hair removal, freckles, pre-cancerous skin lesions, skin tags, cafe au lait (flat, pigmented birthmarks), and tattoo removal.

How does the laser treatment work?

The laser creates a beam of high-intensity light that penetrates deep into akin tissue where it delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat. The technology protects the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. The treatment has minimal side effects.

What can I expect during treatment?

The treatment will take place in the clinic exam room. You will wear safety eye wear to protect your eyes from the laser light. The laser will be guided to the treatment areas with a small handheld probe. Each laser pulse may be preceded and followed by a short pulse of cooling spray. A treatment could take a little as a few minute, depending on the area and condition being treated.

Does it hurt?

Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with the laser pulse, sometimes described as the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This discomfort is minimized by the cooling spray. For some patients, a topical anesthetic may be used prior to treatment. Be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

The number of sessions depends on the treatment you require and the condition of your skin. For hair removal, it may take up to 5 to 6 treatments, as the process is only effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase. Other conditions may clear in as few as one treatment, but many factors impact the efficiency of individual laser treatments, including the severity of the condition being treated.

How do I prepare for treatment?

Patients scheduled for hair removal should avoid electrolysis or hair waxing for six weeks prior to treatment. If you have had a history of perioral herpes and are scheduled for facial hair treatment, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed. Also, any hair should be shaved, and your skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing any makeup, cream, or oils on its surface before laser treatments.

What can I expect after treatment?

Patients should avoid sun exposure before and after treatment, and should apply sunblock (SPF 30 or above) when going outdoors.

Are there side effects?

Your risks are minimal. Side effects may include purpura (a laser bruise), redness, blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and swelling in the treated area—these usually do not last more than a few days. Permanent side effects, such as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation or scarring, are rare.

What precautions should I take after treatment?

After laser treatment avoid sun exposure.  In the first few days after treatment, don’t scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your healthcare provider may advise additional precautions.

Are these treatments covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. Some carriers will, however, cover the treatment of disfiguring birthmarks such as hemangiomas. Consult your insurance carrier for conclusive information.

For any questions concerning laser treatments, please call Brodstone Family Medical Center – Superior at 402-879-4781.